
Welcome to the photography section of my page. Here, you'll find a curated selection of photos, converted to fit the site's color scheme. Later on, I might also upload the original files, but this remains to be seen.

Leaves creeping down a wall Bridge leading to a castle Factory building above treeline Crack in clay ground House with mannequins behind glass door Picket fence in front of blank sky Shattered, overgrown factory window Man gazing into sunset; people walking Silhouette of man tending large fire Shadow of man on wall Birdhouses; satellite dish on wall Field of sunflowers Hands full of snow Seemingly headless man walking towards police van Close-up of a man's eye Man standing atop two silos Crane working on building The moon Doorway at the end of room Untidy backyard; trailer, bins Tree growing in front of dirty concrete wall Bridge between two large buildings Giant head poking out of snow Two cars rounding corner Stairs RV standing before bare brick wall Footprint in clay Two children walking through void Converse shoes behind wooden fence Embers in front of night sky

More images to come in the future. Perhaps even a second page.
Feel free to message me for more.
